Department of Surgery, CUHK

Dr FUTABA Kaori    

Associate Professor
MBChB (Birm), MRCS (Eng), FRCS (Eng), LMCHK

Colorectal Surgery
(852) 3505 1495
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Dr Futaba is a General Surgeon with a specialist interest in colorectal surgery with more than 20 years of clinical experience. She graduated from Medical School at University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. She completed her training in General, Colorectal and Minimally Invasive Surgery in the UK and was working as a Consultant Colorectal Surgeon at the University Hospital Birmingham, UK before joining the Department of Surgery as an Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has specialist interest in minimally invasive colorectal surgery, pelvic floor and functional bowel disorders as well as in inflammatory bowel disease. She is committed to expanding the Functional Bowel Service in the Prince of Wales Hospital to help patients in Hong Kong suffering from functional bowel disorders.

She is passionate about Medical Education and is always looking for new ways to make learning fun for students. She has obtained a Master's degree in Medical Science in Clinical Education from the University of Nottingham in UK in 2009 with interest in simulation. She enjoys working on a variety of projects with students, trainees and colleagues to produce online learning materials for Medical students to stimulate their interest and encourage higher-order thinking to improve their understanding.

Her current research interest are in functional bowel disorders and inflammatory bowel disease. Whilst in UK, she was a founding member of a trainee-led research collaborative group allowing trainees to carry out meaningful clinical research together to make a difference. She continues to be involved in international collaborative research, including COVIDSurg with aim of finding ways of managing surgical patients as safely as possible during this Pandemic.

Research Interests

  • Novel assessment and treatments of functional bowel disorders
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Minimally invasive and robotic surgery for colorectal disease
  • Medical Education

Selected Publications

  1. COVIDSurg Collaborative. Global guidance for surgical care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Br J Surg. 2020
  2. Reinforcement of Closure of Stoma Site (ROCSS) Collaborative and West Midlands Research Collaborative. Prophylactic biological mesh reinforcement versus standard closure of stoma site (ROCSS): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 2020;(10222): 417-426
  3. Keeler BD et al. The impact of pre-operative intravenous iron on quality of life after colorectal cancer surgery: outcomes from the intravenous iron in colorectal cancer-associated anaemia (IVICA) trial. Anaesthesia, 2019;74:714-725
  4. Gregersen H, Chen SS, Leung WW, Wong C, Mak T, Futaba K. Novel Fecobionics Defaecatory Function Testing. Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2019(10):1-8
  5. Liao D, Chen SS, Lo KM, Zhao J, Futaba K, Gregersen H. Theoretical tools to analyze anorectal mechanophysiological data generated by the Fecobionics device. J Biomech Eng. 2019(9): 0945011-0945015
  6. Pinkney TD et al. Impact of wound edge protection devices on surgical site infection after laparotomy: multicentre randomised controlled trial (ROSSINI Trial). BMJ. 2013;347:f4305
  7. Hemming K, Pinkney T, Futaba K, Pennant M, Morton DG, Lilford RJ. A systemic review of systemic reviews and panoramic meta-analysis: staples versus sutures for surgical procedures. PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e75132
  8. Bhangu A, Nepogodiev D, Futaba K, West Midlands Research Collaborative. Systemic review and meta-analysis of the incidence of incisional hernia at the site of stoma closure. World J Surg. 2012;36(5):973-83

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