
With a generous donation from the S.H. Ho Foundation, the S.H. Ho Urology Centre at the Department of Surgery
opened on 8 November 2013. Officiating guests included Dr. Ho Tzu-cho David, chairman of the Foundation;
Dr. Ho Tzu-leung, governor of the Foundation; Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK;
Prof. Francis K.L. Chan, dean, Faculty of Medicine; Prof. Paul B.S. Lai, chairman, Department of Surgery;
and centre director Prof. Anthony C.F. Ng.
The key mission of the centre is to promote urological education for physicians and the public education in
Hong Kong and the region, as well as basic and clinical research, in particular, the establishment of local
Chinese experience and data. Among all urological diseases, prostate cancer will be one of the centre's focus
research areas.