Title : Professor Dr.
Mr. Ms. Mrs.
Surname * :
Given Name * :
Position * :
Department / Unit :
Institution * :
Country / Region * :
Email * :
Confirm Email * :
Profession * :
Simulation Workshop
(Limited Vacancy)
: I would like to attend the Live Ultrasound Simulation.
Academic Accreditation (for local participants) *
Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) accreditation will be applied from relevant Hong Kong colleges and associations. Unless otherwise stated, CME/CNE points will be given based on the attendance documented by the login/logout time of the Webinar.
Not applicable
CME (Specialist)
Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists
Hong Kong College of Radiologists
The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong

CME (Non-specialist)
MCHK Registration No:
Choose your MCHK CME administrator or CME programme(s) (You may choose more than one):
Hong Kong Medical Association (membership no: )
Hong Kong Doctors Union (membership no: )
Hong Kong Academy of Medicine
Department of Health

Place of Work: Rank:

Academic Institutes / College / Programme Maximum CME / CNE Points Awarded - 25 February 2021 (Thu)
Anaesthesiologists # 2 points (passive)
Radiologists ^ 2 points (Cat. B (passive)
Surgeons 1 point
MCHK (non-specialists) 1 point
CNE Under approval process *
# In order to gain CME point(s), the duration of participant's online attendance must be more than 50% of total duration of the event.
^ In order to gain CME point(s), each participant must complete the evaluation form online at the end of the seminar.