Cause of obesity

Problem of obesity

What is BMI?

What is morbid obesity?

Metabolic Syndrome

Options of weight reduction

Metabolic Syndrome (MES)
MES is a collection of heart disease risk factors that increase your chance of developing heart disease, stroke
and diabetes. It is also associated with premature mortality. Recent study estimates that the prevalence of MES
in Hong Kong Chinese population is around 17%.
The new MES definition is classified by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and central obesity is a
prerequisite with the following criteria:
Central obesity (waist circumference)
>90 cm (35.4 inch) in men or >80 cm (31.5 inch)in women in Chinese
>94 cm (37 inch) in men or >80 cm (31.5 inch) in women in Caucasians
Plus >2 of the followings:
- Low HDL-C = HDL-C <1.03 mmol/1 in men or <1.29 mmol/l in women
- Hypertriglyceridaemia = TG >1.7 mmol/l
- Hypertension = known HT or BP >130/85 mmHg
- Dysglycaemia = FPG >5.6 mmol/l or known DM
New MES Definition by International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
國 際 糖 尿 聯 盟 最 新 提 出 的 標 準

Mandatory component:
Central obesity
– waist circ. ethnicity-specific
- Europid ≥94cm men, ≥80cm women
- Asian (not Japanese) ≥90cm men, ≥80cm women
- Japanese ≥85cm men, ≥90cm women

Plus two or more of other criteria:
>1.7mmol/L (150 mg/dL) or on specific treatment
HDL cholesterol
<1.03mmol/L (40 mg/dL) in men, <1.29 (50 mg/dl) in women or on specific treatment
Blood Pressure
>130/85 or on treatment
>5.6mmol/L or previously diagnosed T2DM
1st International Symposium on MES and Prediabetes, Berlin, May 2005
