

NQSIP Meeting - July 2014


Opening ceremony of Wong Tze Lam - Hing Tak Centre
of Surgical Outcome Research - 3rd July 2013

Officiating guests of the ceremony included Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (2nd left), Vice-Chancellor of CUHK;
Mr. Wong Yee-soong (4th right), Mr. Wong Yee-hou (4th left), Mr. Wong Yee-yeung (3rd left), and
Prof. Wong Yee-ding Patrick (3rd right), representatives of Wong Tze Lam Foundation and
Hing Tak Charity Company Limited; Prof. Fok Tai-fai (2nd right), Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK;
Prof. Francis K.L. Chan (1st left), Dean of Medicine; and Prof. Paul B.S. Lai (1st right),
chairman of the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, and director of the centre.
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