Department of Surgery, CUHK

Dr CHONG Ching Ning Charing    

Associate Consultant
MBChB, MSc (Epidemiology and Biostatistics), FRCSEd (Gen), FHKAM (Surg)

Hepato-biliary and Pancreatic Surgery
(852) 3505 1411
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Dr. Chong is currently an Associate Consultant in the Department of Surgery at Prince of Wales Hospital, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and received her postgraduate surgical training primarily at Prince of Wales Hospital in Hong Kong. She is a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and a member of several professional organizations, including the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA), the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists, and Oncologists, the Hong Kong Society of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, the Hong Kong Society of Robotic Surgery, and the Asian EUS Group. She also serves as the honorary treasurer of the Hong Kong Society of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery.

After obtaining her fellowship in 2010, she received further training in surgical oncology at Johns Hopkins Hospital and in robotic surgery at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She also received her EUS training at Changhai Hospital in Shanghai and Asan Medical Center in Seoul.

She specializes in general surgery, specifically hepato-biliary and pancreatic surgery. Her main research interests are in the surgical management of hepato-biliary and pancreatic cancer. She is also interested in various hepato-biliary and pancreatic diseases, particularly interventional EUS and minimally invasive hepato-biliary and pancreatic surgery.

Research Interests

  • Multidisciplinary treatment for hepatobiliary and pancreatic cancer
  • Hepatitis-B virus related hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Minimally invasive and robotic surgery for hepatobiliary and pancreatic diseases
  • Advanced endoscopic endosonography
  • Pancreatic cystic disease

Additional Information

Positions in Professional Affiliations:

  • Council Member, Hong Kong Society of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery
  • Member, Hong Kong Society of Minimal Access Surgery
  • Member, Hong Kong Society of Digestive Endoscopy
  • Member, Hong Kong Society of Robotic Surgery
  • Sub-committee of Standardization of Teaching Materials, Asian EUS Group

Positions in Peer-Reviewed Journal:
Reviewer for Journal of The American College of Surgeons, Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Liver International, HPB, Disease and Surgical Practice.

Selected Publications

  1. Chong CCN, Lakhtakia S, Nguyen N, Hara K, Chan WK, Puri R, Almadi MA, Ang TL, Kwek A, Yasuda I, Doi S, Kida M, Wang HP, Cheng TY, Jiang Q, Yang A, Chan AWH, Chan S, Tang R, Iwashita T, Teoh AYB. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided tissue acquisition with or without macroscopic on-site evaluation: randomized controlled trial. Endoscopy. 2020 Jun 4. doi: 10.1055/a-1172-6027. Online ahead of print.
  2. Chong CCN, Lee KF, Cheung SYS, Chu CCM, Fong AKW, Wong J, Hui JWY, Fung AKY, Lok HT, Lo EYJ, Chan SL, Yu SCH, Ng KKC, Lai PBS. Prospective double-blinded randomized controlled trial of Microwave versus RadioFrequency Ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma (McRFA trial). HPB (Oxford). 2020 Feb 8. pii:S1365-182X(20)30023-X. doi:10.1016/j.hpb.2020.01.008.
  3. Chong CCN, Lok HT, Fung AKY, Fong AKW, Cheung YS, Wong J, Lee KF, Lai PBS. Robotic versus laparoscopic hepatectomy: application of the difficulty scoring system. Surg Endosc. 2019 Jul 16. doi: 10.1007/s00464-019-06976-8.
  4. Chong CCN, Chung WY, Cheung YS, Fung AKY, Fong AKW, Lok HT, Wong J, Lee KF, Chan SKC, Lai PBS. Enhanced recovery after surgery for liver resection. Hong Kong Med J. 2019 Apr;25(2):94-101. doi: 10.12809/hkmj187656.
  5. Chong CC, Lee KF, Chu CM, Chan AW, Yu SC, Lai PB. Laparoscopic Hepatectomy(with or without Robotic Assistance) versus Radiofrequency Ablation as a Minimally Invasive Treatment for Very Early-Stage or Early-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Dig Surg. 2019 Mar 27:1-7. doi: 10.1159/000497112.
  6. Chong CCN, Lee KF, Chu CM, Chan AWH, Wong J, Chan SL, Lok HT, Fung AKY, Fong AKW, Cheung YS, Yu SCH, Johnson P, Lai PBS. Microwave ablation provides better survival than liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with borderline liver function: application of ALBI score to patient selection. HPB (Oxford). 2018 Jun;20(6):546-554. doi: 10.1016/j.hpb.2017.12.001.
  7. Chong CC, Chan AW, Wong J, Chu CM, Chan SL, Lee KF, Yu SC, To KF, Johnson P, Lai PB. Albumin-bilirubin grade predicts the outcomes of liver resection versus radiofrequency ablation for very early/early stage of hepatocellular carcinoma. Surgeon. 2018 Jun;16(3):163-170. doi: 10.1016/j.surge.2017.07.003.
  8. Chong CCN, Teoh AYB, Tang RSY, Chan AWH, Ng EKW, Lai PBS. EUS-FNA using 22G nitinol or ProCore needles without on-site cytopathology. Endosc Ultrasound. 2018 Jan-Feb;7(1):56-60. doi: 10.4103/eus.eus_113_17.
  9. Chong CC, Wong GL, Chan AW, Wong VW, Fong AK, Cheung YS, Wong J, Lee KF, Chan SL, Lai PB, Chan HL. Liver stiffness measurement predicts high-grade post-hepatectomy liver failure: A prospective cohort study. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Feb;32(2):506-514. doi: 10.1111/jgh.13503.
  10. Chong CC, Wong GL, Wong VW, Ip PC, Cheung YS, Wong J, Lee KF, Lai PB, Chan HL. Antiviral therapy improves post-hepatectomy survival in patients with hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective-retrospective study. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Jan;41(2):199-208. doi: 10.1111/apt.13034.

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