Funded by the Beat Drugs Fund of the Hong Kong SAR Government and with the support from the Hospital Authority, the Youth Urological Treatment Centre (YUTC) was established by the Department of Surgery of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in December 2011 at the Prince of Wales Hospital. 青少年泌尿治療中心是由香港中文大學外科學系於2011年12月在威爾斯親王醫院成立,本中心的成立有賴香港特別行政區政府轄下禁毒基金贊助及醫院管理局支持。 YUTC is dedicated to raising the public awareness of the detrimental effects of psychotropic substance abuse, particularly ketamine, on the urinary tract. YUTC encourages youth abusers to seek early medical treatment from our fast-track service and to quit drugs early as the ultimate solution. 青少年泌尿治療中心團隊希望能透過我們的服務引起社會各界更關注青少年因吸食毒品而導致泌尿系統造成損害的問題,並呼籲青少年患者及早透過本中心的便捷電話預約服務及一站式診治,以達到更佳的治療效果。療程期間,本中心亦會向青少年患者傳遞治本的訊息,鼓勵他們及早戒毒。 YUTC provides early urological assessment and treatment to young abusers under the age of 30 who suffer from ketamine-associated urinary tract dysfunction. At the first consultation, patients are evaluated by non-invasive investigations including urine analysis, blood tests, uroflowmetry and bladder scan, and receive integrated anti-inflammatory therapy as first-line treatment. YUTC telephone hotline is a territory-wide service for fast-track appointment booking. Patients or their social workers are all welcome to call the hotline to make an appointment without the need of any medical referrals. 青少年泌尿治療中心主要服務30歲以下因吸食氯胺酮而患有排尿功能障礙的年青病人。 我們中心的特色是提供一站式泌尿系統檢查及治療服務,病人在首次求診時,除接受醫生及護士的臨床評估外,亦會進行一系列低介入性的檢查,包括尿液及血液分析、尿速測試及膀胱超聲波評估等。 有需要的青少年患者或跟進他們的社工,可透過我們的便捷電話預約服務, 毋需醫生轉介信直接電話預約求診, 並且不受居住地區限制。 Co-Director 中心負責人:
Youth Urological Treatment Centre Department of Surgery Prince of Wales Hospital The Chinese University of Hong Kong Tel : 3505 3773 (Every Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and voice message recording service is available after the service hours) 青少年泌尿治療中心 香港中文大學外科學系 威爾斯親王醫院 電話:35053773 (逢星期一至五上午九時至下午五時,辦公時間外設有話音留言服務) |